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  • Can I pay in cash?
    Unfortunately, we do not accept cash payments. Deposits must be sent to confirm your order and your remaining balance must be sent in order to receive your treat order.
  • Can I pick up my order the night before my event?
    No, you cannot pick up your order the night before, but rather the day before. We do ask, if you would like to pick up your order the day before your already scheduled date/time, please let us know at least 1-2 days in advance so pickup scheduling adjustments can be made accordingly.
  • Can I pay my remaining balance before my pickup date?
    Yes, your remaining balance can be paid at any time before your scheduled pickup date/time.
  • Can I purchase a single item instead of a dozen?
    No, items are available by dozen. However, we do offer half dozen for Chocolate Covered Apples and Candied Apples as well. You’ll have the opportunity to purchase individual items at our Pop-Up Shop events, that will be announced via our Instagram page, @_divinely_dipped_treats.
  • How should I store my treats before my event?
    Chocolate Covered Strawberries, Chocolate Covered Apples, Chocolate Breakable Heart Boxes, Chocolate Covered Cake Pops, Chocolate Covered Cakesicles, Candied Apples, and Cheesecake Shooters need to be refrigerated if they are not immediately going to display. Chocolate Covered Pretzels, Chocolate Covered Rice Krispies, and Chocolate Covered Marshmallows can be stored at room temperature before going to display.
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